Class: F.Y. B.Com Div. A and B

Title: Mind and Body: An Overview

Date: 3rd September, 2018

Resource Person:Dr. Maryanne Borges e Lobo

Class Counsellors :Ms. Smruti Borkar and Saruka Kalangutkar

Ms. Sterol Godinho and Ms. Anjita Gaunkar

On the 3rd of September 2018, a class seminar on the topic of mental and physical health was held by the students of F. Y. B. Com. Classes A and B as an integrated program at the Conference Hall of Sridora Caculo College, Mapusa at 09:00 a. m. The resource person for the day was Dr. Maryanne Borges e Lobo, an Ayurveda medical practitioner from Mapusa.

Dr. Maryanne gave the 1st session on the Personal Hygiene. The second session was on personality development and the final session was on Time Management.. 

Class: F.Y. B.Com Div. C


Date: 23rd August, 2018

Resource Person: Shri. Pravin Sabnis

Class Counsellors : Shri. Prakash Tamhankar, Shri. Henrique D’souza

The Seminar on the title “Step Ahead” was divided into three sub dimensions. Shri. Pravin Sabnis was the resource person.

Class: S.Y. B.Com Div. C and D

Title: “Discourage Myths, Love Yourself”

 Date: 23rd July, 2018

Resource Person: Ms. Ketki Paraband , Mr. Somu Rao

 Class Counsellors :Mr. Tushar Karmalkar & Ms. Chaitali Gawas

                                      Ms. Devata Umarye & Ms. Sunita Kotkar

Students of S.Y. B.Com “C” and S.Y. B.Com “D” class organized an one day class seminar on “Discourage Myths, Love Yourself”on 23rd July 2018 in the college conference hall.

Ms. Ketaki Parob Gadekar in her session on “Love yourself” highlighted to the students that every individual is a unique personality and that’s his real identity.Mr. Somu Rao in his sessions on “Discourage Myths”briefed students on what are myths and talked about humanism.