Research is very important in every academic institution for its sustainability and development in a globalised world.  The quality of research works directly translates to the quality of teaching and learning in classrooms   which benefits teachers, students and community. Our education system faces number of challenges for   improving the quality of education and quality research in academic institutions is one of them. The lack of an encouraging academic environment, inadequate library, lack of internet facilities, inadequate infrastructure, lack of funds and qualified faculties are some of the factors contributing the slow growth research in academic institution. The need of sharing knowledge between research institutions and industry is very important. The research which transfers ideas from Lab to Land need to be encouraged. The research which is carried out should benefit the community and thus requires a quality investigation. Hence, the research should not be primarily focused on getting a degree and increments but it should have public utility. The researcher should identify the problems faced by the community and thus help for the nation development.

The purpose of research is to identify the problems, investigate and derive useful findings. Research must always be of high quality in order to produce knowledge that is applicable outside of the research setting.

Academic Integrity and research

 Academic integrity refers to the commitment with values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, legality and dissemination. It is important that in every academic institution the integrity plays a very important role in promoting quality of education.  The researcher must be honest, sincere and should bear all the responsibility about the research finding and its publications. Despite of   Intellectuals, and coming from educated value-based system still some researchers are involved in misconduct of research.

 What is Misconduct in research?

 Misconduct in academic research implies fabrication, falsification, plagiarism or deception in proposing, carrying out or reporting results of research and deliberate, dangerous or negligent deviations from accepted practice in carrying out research.

 Misconduct in research include

1) Plagiarism

The plagiarism   means deliberate copying of ideas, text, data or other works without due permission and acknowledgement. It is the process of appropriation of another person’s Idea, process, results or words without giving appropriate credit.

2)  Piracy

 The deliberate copying of ideas, text, data or other works without due permission and acknowledgement

3) Misinterpretation

 The deliberate attempt to represent falsely or unfairly the ideas or works of others, whether or not for personal gain or enhancement.

4) Falsification

  The falsification in manipulating research material, equipment or process or changing or omitting data or   results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.


  • Not to fabricate data or falsify the results.
  • Not to duplicate in publication/ submission of research findings.
  • Avoid misrepresentation of research findings i.e. Use of Selective or fraudulent data to support a hypothesis or clams.
  • Avoid plagiarism including self-plagiarism i.e. verbatim copying or reuse of one’s own research.
  • Minimize misleading results.
  • Preserve and protect privacy, dignity, wellbeing and freedom of participants.
  • Conduct all research activities in accordance with the accepted standard of discipline.
  • Ensure the accuracy of the data that have been gathered or used   in the research.
  • Ensure that only the correct data, information and research results is reported in journals, conferences and reports.
  • Avoid misleading statements or declarations and vague assertions that could be subjected to misinterpretation.
  • Cite clearly all sources of information and data that we use which are used in the process of research.
  • Grant and limit Authorship to those who made a significant contribution to research.
  • Follow the transparent mechanism in use and disbursement of resources for research.
  • Ensure that   our research results are accessible to the public once the research is concluded.

   Dr. Santosh B. Patkar
