Registration of Intellectual Property
On 17th February 2018 SV’s Sridora Caculo College of Commerce and Management studies organised a talk on “Intellectual Property Rights” for first year students. The resource person for this seminar was Adv. Devata Manerkar who spoke on the importance of intellectual property rights.
According to her IP is right that is had by a person or by a company to have exclusive rights to use its own plans, ideas or other intangible assets for a specific period of time .These rights include copyrights, patents, trademark and trade secrets.
She enlightened the students, how IP provides incentives to an individual for new creations. IP provides due recognition to the creators and inventors, ensures material reward and advancement in technology sector and also helps economic growth. All this is important for growth of business and information technology sector. For an enterprises to grow in their field of business IP plays very important role. Intellectual property registration is very important for the success and development of a company.
The session gave basic information to the students on Intellectual Property Rights. She also gave examples to the students from Goa as to make the student realise how important it is to be an author or inventor of IP. All together 34 students from first year attended the session.
Intellectual Property Rights As Legal Rights
On 3th February 2018 SV’s Sridora Caculo College of Commerce and Management studies organised a talk on “Intellectual Property Rights” for its first year students. The resource person for this seminar was Adv. Devata Manerkar. She spoke on Intellectual rights as legal rights that are enacted to protect creation and inventions resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields. She informed students that the most common IPR is used as patent, copyright, and tread mark and trade secrets.
In this competitive world IPR plays a very important role as to earning resource for the individual. An individual not only enjoys monopoly right but also gets the reward for hard work through IPR.
The session was very informative and was aimed at encouraging the new generation to understand the concept of Intellectual property and its importance. All together 34 students from first year attended the session.
Intellectual Property Rights and It’s Related Aspects
On 24th February 2018 SV’s Sridora Caculo College of Commerce and Management Studies organised a talk on “Intellectual Property Rights” for First year students. Resource person for this seminar was Adv. Devata Manerkar Umarye. Explaining the concept of intellectual property (IP) she told students that IPR is a form of right granted by the government to an inventor or their successor in title giving the owner the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering to sell and importing an invention for a limited period of time, in exchange for the public disclosure of the invention.
She also informed students that patent owner need to disclose valuable information about their inventions to the public, so that public has access to information to further work on similar issues.
The session was very informative and it was organised with an aim to encourage the new generation as to understand Intellectual property and its importance. All together 38 students from first year attended the session.
Contribution of IPR for achieving Economic Development
On 12th January 2019 SV’s Sridora Caculo College of Commerce and Management Studies organised a class seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights” for the first year students. The resource person for this seminar was Adv. Devata Manerkar Umarye. She explained to the students on why countries care for IPR and seek to promote and protect it. According to her presently all new inventions in all IPR domains leads to human progress and advancement. The legal protection of new innovations encourage safe spending on their innovations by the creators. According to her caring for and protecting IPR contribute to achieving economic and social development not only of individual but also the society at large. She also discussed about various aspects relating to the topic like design, trade mark, geographical indication, traditional knowledge, industrial design etc.
The session was very much helpful and important to the young generation in order to realise that it’s a high time for them to do something innovative, practical, creative, and different than what is existing. All together 41 students from first year attended the seminar.
Patent Rights- Intellectual Property Rights
On 30th March 2019 SV’s Sridora Caculo College of Commerce and Management studies organised a class seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights” for the first year students. The resource person for this seminar was Adv. Devata Manerkar Umarye who spoke on IPR and related aspects which includes patent, trademarks, trade names and geographical indications. It also includes “Copy right” which gives the creator of an original work the exclusive right to it.
She informed the students that the purpose of granting an IP is to encourage the creation of a wide variety of intellectual property for the consumers. IP provides and gives economic incentives to inventors and authors. It also encourages them to create and disclose their work. She enlightened on the different areas in which Intellectual Property can be registered. She spoke on who can apply for IP registration, where to apply for IP registration and the procedure to follow for IP registration and about the benefits of IP registration. She also discussed about Copy right design, trade mark, geographical indication, traditional knowledge, industrial design etc.
The session was very informative and was organised an encouraging the new generation to understand Intellectual property and its importance. All together 48 students from first year attended the seminar.
Intellectual Property Rights and Procedure
On 2th February 2019 SV’s Sridora Caculo College of Commerce and Management Studies organised a class seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights” for the First year students. The resource person for this seminar was Adv. Devata Manerkar Umarye who spoke on IPR and related aspects. She enlightened on the different areas in which Intellectual Property can be registered. She spoke on who can apply for IP registration, where to apply for IP registration, what the procedure to be followed for IP registration and the benefits of IP registration. She also discussed about copy right design, trade mark, geographical indication, Traditional knowledge, Industrial design etc.
The session was very informative and was aimed at encouraging the new generation to understand Intellectual property and its importance. All together 41 students from the first year attended the seminar.
Intellectual Property Rights – A Key Aspect for Economic Development
On 1st September 2018 Legal Aid Cell Cum Consumer Cell of SV’s Sridora Caculo College of Commerce And Management Studies jointly in association with V. M. salgaokar Law College Organised One Day State Level Seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights – A Key Aspect for Economic Development”. On this occasion the guest speaker for the day was Adv. Sachin Desai. Dr. T. Ramcrishna, Dr.Shaber Ali also spoke on different aspects of IP.
The inaugural session commenced with the Principal Dr.Santosh Patkar welcoming the gathering. Setting the tone for the days proceedings, he briefly spoke on the importance of the IPR in today’s world. The guest speaker Adv. Sachin Desai, in his presentation, focussed extensively on the legal aspects of Intellectual Property. Recognising, appreciating and protecting content creation and innovations in the country was extremely important and in IPR what is protected is originality.
He also mentioned about Indian judicial system and the huge number of pending cases in our courts. He said ignorance of law is no excuse and a spirit of inquiry is important for the individual development. Principal Dr. Santosh Patkar presented the guest speaker Adv. Sachin Desai with a memento. Adv. Devata Umarye proposed the vote of thanks.
The inauguration was followed by the first technical session of the seminar with a talk by Dr. T. Ramkrishna, the Chairperson for IPR in National Law School Bangalore, India University. He spoke on patent and trade mark. He explained on patentable invention and on innovative steps with actual examples.
The second session was taken over By Dr.Shaber Ali, Associate Professor in V. M. Salgaokar College Of Law. He spoke about Copy Right and Geographical Indication. Citing examples of grave violation of copy right instances in the country, especially the entertainment industry, he took examples from Bollywood to explain the extent of violation of copy right.
The Seminar was attended by more than hundred students. The co-odinator of the seminar Adv. Devata Umarye proposed the vote of thanks.